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2024-11-28 09:19:46 来源:华泰文学 点击:4
摄影/后期:Kurny 文/Kurny 01/ 我怨恨你,因了你,我丢了世界、丢了自己; 我感激你,因了你,我遇见新的自己、走向新的世界。 I lost the World and even Me, therefore blame you; I meet with a new Me and set out for a new World, therefore thank you. 02/ 暖风来时,遇见冰冷的墙面,再温热的情意也终将化作一滩泪水。 When hot wind comes, when it meets a wall of coldness, the passion will in the end turn into tears however hot it is. 03/ 别人送出来给我的心,我没接住,他迟早收回去; 我送出去给你的心,你没接住,我也迟早收回来。 What is given to me is not cherished, he will take it back sooner or later; likewise, what is given to you is not cherished, I will take it back sooner or later. 04/ 在爱情这场烟雨中,我们给予彼此的寂寞比爱更多,一如深夜给予人的黑暗比光芒多; 然而,这光芒燃点了整片黑暗,我们的爱也消释了无尽的寂寞。 Amid the mist and rain of Love, to each other we give loneliness more than love, like to Man the deep night gives darkness more than light; But less as light is, it lights up the dark, and less as love is, it dispels the no-end lonely. 05/ 我与你的不同在于,我因为爱你,包容你的不完美,你因为爱你自己,紧盯着我的不完美。 Difference between us could be told: I love you, therefore embrace your imperfection; you love yourself, therefore keep all your eyes on my imperfection. 06/ 你飞得越高,越把我看得渺小;殊不知,在我看来,你亦是渺小。 The higher you fly, the smaller I look in your eyes, forgetting smaller you are to me. 07/ 我感到难过,不是因为你失约,而是因为你一而再再而三地出尔反尔; 我感到痛心,不是因为你欺骗,而是因为你撒了谎却偏要让我看到真相。 The feeling of Upset came, not 'cause of your faith-breaking, but you kept failing to do your promise; the feeling of Heartbreaking came, not 'cause of your lying, but you lied and did not hide it long nor well. 08/ 我把你的名字挂在嘴边,一如你曾经把我的名字挂在嘴边; 你把她的名字挂在嘴边,一如你曾经把我的名字挂在嘴边; 爱我的人嫉妒你,爱你的我嫉妒她。 Your name is brought up, like you used to bring up mine; her name is brought up, like you used to bring up mine; He who loves me envies you and me who love you envies her. 2017.05.14




